Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Who Is This Jesus?
The world has lots of heros. Who's yours? A little boys ask mommy to tie a long red scarf around his neck, then spreads his arms and 'flies' around the room to emulate his hero...swooping down to 'save the day!'. At school the next day a fireman visits, then this same little boy dreams of fighting fires someday.
How many little boys dream of being like Jesus someday? Caring about those who the world threw away? Actually touching people's hearts for God? Swooping in and rescuing everyone from the Pharisees??
Is Jesus your example as well as your Savior? Could you be the example for this little boy. The one who sparks his heart to want to be like Jesus someday?
Well then, have you watched how Christ walked and talked with people? Have you read about the actual people that He took the time to stop and deeply care know, those that others would pass on by? Have you witnessed so many of the times when His love opened truth could make it's way in?
Oh, yes! Have you read about Pauls Hero? Paul is so confident of His Hero Jesus, that He says that we can emulate him because He emulates Christ. 1 Cor. 11:1
So the question is; is He a Hero that's strong enough to do anything and save matter how deep the sin?? Can you trust Him that much that you are willing to emulate Him by giving each step you take to Jesus? Cause you know -- He might just lead you to care about someone you might have otherwise overlooked! Are you willing?
But is this hard? Jesus said He'll lead and His burden is light...honestly, all we do is turn our eyes upon Jesus and trust Him to lead...every step...everyday. He is more than a Hero!
Heb. 3:1
"Therefore, holy brethren, sharers with others in a
heavenly invitation, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest
whose followers we profess to be."
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will
Grow strangely dim in the
Light of His glory and grace."
The song here is my all time favorite from the 70's. The person who recorded this on video also recorded a short excerpt of a sermon at the beginning...but it's apropos. The singer is Larry Norman, and the lyrics I thought were on the screen, are now below :).
Who was and is Jesus? Some say He was an outlaw.
Some say he was an outlaw,
that he roamed across the land,
With a band of unschooled
ruffians and few old fishermen,
No one knew just where he came
from, or exactly what he'd done,
But they said it must be something
bad that kept him on the run.
Some say he was a poet, that
he'd stand upon the hill
And his voice could calm an angry
crowd and make the waves stand still,
And he spoke in many parables
that few could understand,
But the people sat for hours
just to listen to this man.
Some say a politician who
spoke of being free,
He was followed by the masses
on the shores of Galilee,
He spoke out against corruption
and he bowed to no decree,
And they feared his strength
and power so they nailed him to a tree.
Some say he was a sorcerer, a man of mystery,
He could walk upon the water,
he could make a blind man see,
And he conjured wine at weddings
and did tricks with fish and bread,
That he talked of being born again
and raised people from the dead.
Some say he was the Son of God,
a man above all men,
And he came to be a servant and
to set us free from sin,
And that's who I believe he was
yes, that's what I believe,
And I think we should get ready
cause it's time for us to leave
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
If The World Was For Sale 'Finale'
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Taste and see that the Lord is good! |
So, why were we created in the 1st place? To delight the whims of a god? To be his plaything...or his experiment? To know and understand this answer takes faith, knowing and understanding scripture and more than anything, tasting and seeing for yourself that God is good.
Since God is good, then His intentions were good in creating us...and like a good and loving being, He can't just sit and stew in His own love. Love is just not made up that way. If love is all about self...then it is not love. But love, even if it is eros love (romantic/physical) or philo love (friendship), it still involves another person.
Agape love - God's love, is however not centered on what I can get out of it like the other 'loves' are. It thinks of the other as much as it thinks of itself. If I am hungry, then it is very possible that you are hungry too. So, it centers on the other AS much as it thinks of itself. I cannot go on and be there for you if I don't nourish myself, but then after I am nourished, you are next.
Agape, however, also goes one step further. As it will sacrifice itself for you if need be. So, it does have the ability to also think more about you than it does itself...although on an everyday basis, it has to think of itself too so it continues to exist so as to be able to serve.
We were created in God's image...and because Christ was the exact representation of God, observing and following how Jesus did things, will give us the perfect example of how to live so as to grow closer and closer to be what we were intended to be.
Ephesians 5:2
Live a life filled with love, following the example of
Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma
to God.
1 Corinthians 11:1
And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.
Paul followed the example of Christ, which is why he could say in his letters to imitate him. Being an island all on our own when doing anything in this Christian life will lead us in the wrong direction. Christ...His Example and His Spirit within us... has to always be our destination and the One we look to as our guide. A guide when reading and trying to understand scripture, a guide when figuring out how to minster to different kinds of people, a guide when learning how to love, a guide about anything!
Trying to do it on our own without Jesus, even with someone else's bible training under our belt, will still be endeavoring to decipher spiritual things with human thinking. God is alive and well, and must always have the last say.
Here are the 1st three installments to this "finale" posting. ~
Monday, December 10, 2012
If The World Was For Sale Pt 3
As we talked about before...we can do nothing to save ourselves. No good deeds or good behaviors, nor ceasing of bad ones can save us. Eternal life in heaven is not only too expensive for us to ever be able do anything to warrant it, BUT it has also already been paid for by God Himself.
So, again, from what we talked about before, what does God want from us now that we are completely accepted by Him? If we cannot add one ounce to our salvation...then what does God want?
God says that He disciplines those He loves. Like a good parent, He wants the best for us and therefore wants us to keep learning and growing...and even to the point where he will allow us to come to the end of ourselves if we are so bull-headed that we won't learn any other way.
Job was a man that did everything right...his behavior was impeccable. Yet God needed to get down into his heart and show him that being perfectly good is not the be all, and end all. Job thought that he had attained...but God wanted to show him that as he preached right living, that the world and all it's inhabitants were passing him by.
Yes, because his knowledge of the law and his outward behaviors were perfect he felt as though he had attained, yet he knew very little about the life around him. God said to him in Job 38, "Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me since you know so much! Who decided on it's size? Certainly you would know that! And have you ever ordered the Morning, "Get up!", or told Dawn, "Get to work!"?
Earlier in Job 35, Elihu spoke to Job about relying on his impeccable behaviors, "Look up in the sky and see the clouds high above you. If you sin what do you accomplish against Him? If you never sin and are always good, is this some great gift to Him? What can you possibly give Him? "
Then God goes on to say to Job, that many people don't whine and complain about where God is when they are, why is he?
Maybe he is whining because he thinks he's someone that does not deserve compared to others?
Even tho the peoples sins and how they were living were where Job's focus had always been...God's focus is always on the heart 1st. Therefore it is Job's heart that God is concerned about, and where his heart is towards all those hurting people...and not about how much better his behavior is than theirs. God is more interested in our heart condition then our exterior condition. What good is it if we are doing all the 'right' things on the outside, but still have a heart not softened and given completely over to God on the inside?
Psalm 51:17
The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.
Joel 2:13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.
Finally, in Chap. 42, Job sees that as he lived and preached righteousness, that he was missing life and overlooking people...and was thinking that he was doing something extraordinary for God by being so good and doing all the 'right' things.
God is after our heart 1st and foremost. More then anything, that we see beyond our own nose...that we love as He commanded. Then our behaviors in time will begin to come in line with what love does and doesn't do ~ and then we are changed. God's love is powerful and begins changing both the lover and the lovee.
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