Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Let Your Light SO Shine!
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A child's rendering of a Lightening Bug |
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Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
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1 Peter 2: 11-12 Beloved, I beg of you, as wayfarers and as foreigners, depart from all these desires of the body that make war against the soul, And let your way of life be beautiful before all children of men who speak wicked words of you, that they may see your works and praise God in the day of examination.
We have a life...Jesus...within us that can make a huge difference in people's lives. Whether people know it or not they are looking to us to show them that God is real. Telling them is one thing....but, when they SEE God in us...when they see the life He is bringing about IN US...then it will be much harder for them to argue the fact that God is real.
Then IF God becomes real to a person, then this fact moves them to open their heart to Him a little wider...and when this happens you better believe God's Holy Spirit wastes no time in capturing the moment in time when that happens. If you will do nothing else for the Kingdom of God this coming least do this - pray that God puts it deep inside your heart to shine Christ to those around you. Through planned and unplanned appointments...however, if you are open to keeping your light lit, God will bless you with many unplanned appointments.
Your appointment could be just noticing someone with a big smile that answers the prayer of one who prayed secretly that morning that God would show them that He is real.
You just never know.
Or it could be a planned activity with a whole group of people that is filled with the joy of the Lord. The following is a wonderfully planned appointment...a church in Armenia planned this "Jesus Loves You" flash mob.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
This Time Of Year....
This has been a particularly difficult Christmas, as I wasn't able to be with my parents who live over 700 miles away, as well as my daughter who lives even needless to say I am glad that Christmas is over.
Christmas, actually has not been the best time of year for me for a long time...but yet it does keep me mindful of the many people in this world that have a very difficult time at Christmas too. I'm sorry to put a damper on your holidays, but I would ask that you take a moment and pray for the people around you that may not have a smile on their face during this time of year.
Unfortunately, there are more people experiencing deep depression as well as committing suicide during this time of year than at any other time. As a person who has experienced depression I can say that it feels like you're drowning. Everyone gets the blues, but a tendency toward a deeper "blueness"...or depression can truly rob a person of so much.
During this time of year God has been bringing home to me what it means to trust Him with my whole climb up onto His lap and snuggle up and just be with my Father. Yet, there are many people who don't know that they can do this. They don't know that there is Someone much bigger then they are that loves them.
Please take some time and ask the Lord to use you in the lives of those around you this coming year...those whom you notice at the store or at work who need to be shown mercy and God's love. Who need to be introduced to the Great Physician...the One who came to save them in more ways than one.
Yes, I am almost positive that there will be people that you'll run into either in line at the grocery store, at the bank or at work who has cried and asked God to show them that He exists...that He is there. So every smile or caring gesture you impart may very well be the one thing that makes the difference in some one's life. But even if someone you meet or stand next to hasn't prayed that prayer ~ you better believe that God will use your show of love for His glory...and it will bring you even closer in your growth to becoming more like Christ!
Eph. 4:15
Instead, we will lovingly speak the truth, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Color In Your Christmas...
Color in your Christmas with love!! The devil has tried to take what God has created and twist everything. So, lets take everything back!
Lets take the time to share with our children about the greatness of God this holiday. The enemy thinks he always has one up on us, but he never does. He tries to twist the wonderful things God created for us, but we can shrug his stupid stuff off and show our kids God's beautiful gifts and His creativity...and how He made us to be creative too ~ because we were made in His image. Take a walk today and find pine cones and evergreen and talk about how God created everything in His creation to remind us of the evergreen, that is 'ever' or always green and when we make it into a wreath it is round with no end, to remind us that God's love never ends. Then when we put a star on the top of the tree it reminds us of the star of Bethlehem.
The candy cane was created by someone who loved Jesus and wanted people to remember He is our Good Shepherd (the shape of a crook) and the red part was to remind us about how Jesus bled and died for us, and the white part was a reminder of how that blood makes our sins as white as snow!
I'm sure you can think of many of the other things that God has put in His creation that shows His existance and His love for us! Take a walk after your presents and your meal today and see for yourself! Or take time this week to be creative....
Merry Christmas!!
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