Tuesday, December 11, 2012

If The World Was For Sale 'Finale'

Taste and see that the Lord is good!


So, why were we created in the 1st place? To delight the whims of a god? To be his plaything...or his experiment? To know and understand this answer takes faith, knowing and understanding scripture and more than anything, tasting and seeing for yourself that God is good.




Since God is good, then His intentions were good in creating us...and like a good and loving being, He can't just sit and stew in His own love. Love is just not made up that way. If love is all about self...then it is not love. But love, even if it is eros love (romantic/physical) or philo love (friendship), it still involves another person. 


Agape love - God's love, is however not centered on what I can get out of it like the other 'loves' are. It thinks of the other as much as it thinks of itself. If I am hungry, then it is very possible that you are hungry too. So, it centers on the other AS much as it thinks of itself. I cannot go on and be there for you if I don't nourish myself, but then after I am nourished, you are next.  


Agape, however, also goes one step further. As it will sacrifice itself for you if need be. So, it does have the ability to also think more about you than it does itself...although on an everyday basis, it has to think of itself too so it continues to exist so as to be able to serve.


We were created in God's image...and because Christ was the exact representation of God, observing and following how Jesus did things, will give us the perfect example of how to live so as to grow closer and closer to be what we were intended to be.


Ephesians 5:2
Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.


1 Corinthians 11:1
And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.


Paul followed the example of Christ, which is why he could say in his letters to imitate him.  Being an island all on our own when doing anything in this Christian life will lead us in the wrong direction. Christ...His Example and His Spirit within us... has to always be our destination and the One we look to as our guide. A guide when reading and trying to understand scripture, a guide when figuring out how to minster to different kinds of people, a guide when learning how to love, a guide about anything!


Trying to do it on our own without Jesus, even with someone else's bible training under our belt, will still be endeavoring to decipher spiritual things with human thinking. God is alive and well, and must always have the last say. 

Here are the 1st three installments to this "finale" posting. ~




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